An essential Personal WebApp, for the farsighted and well connected CEO, critical to mastering Business Management towards a Market Information driven, distance Management IOT enterprise.
In the highly competitive business arena, a successful CEO is one that in a stochastic market reality, continues to apply his business administrative acumen in consistently returning repeatable, self-referencing and iteratively favourable “commercial gain of function”, accruing to his business shareholders & stakeholders and brand community alike; (always acting fiducially, as governed by his professional mandate commissioned under prevailing legal jurisdiction & company laws).
Koherent enterprise AGI-CMS is an essential Personal WebApp, purpose-fit as empowering his innate business acumen faculties; Firstly through enhancing a forensic insight into business operations, as to illuminate foresight of a stochastic but now rendered as coherent factorable bottom-line & ROI prospects; And further, secure “factorable value-quotients” essential to re-coding a business corporate model; in the process of building a dynamic IOT enterprise architecture imbued with, by design, immanent coherent, altruist & aspiration values.
In 2006, Engineer Dato Paul Hayyu Koh bsc, mba (u.k). and Chartered Architect Kah-Ho J. Wong ariba. arbuk incorporated JWPK Holdings Sdn Bhd as a S.E. Asian investment acquisitions holdings company, and began to acquire family companies in S.E Asia that had potential for development into more profitable, higher-value business assets holdings.
In the time following 2006, JWPK Holdings, research development unit began using their investment acquisition portfolios as research subjects resulting in Koherent enterprise AGI-CMS – Webapp, essential for the farsighted and well connected CEO as critical to mastering Business Management, is the product of this endeavour.
At present, Koherent enterprise AGI-CMS Webapp is undergoing Commercial Stress-Tests trials.